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Jared Is Using Custom Homepage Hero To Drive Incremental Conversions And Revenue

Nexgenus China - Customer Experience Management > Jared Is Using Custom Homepage Hero To Drive Incremental Conversions And Revenue

Jared Is Using Custom Homepage Hero To Drive Incremental Conversions And Revenue

Jared offers five times the selection of ordinary jewelry stores, price it well, and present it with the help of a team of experts, thereby creating the ultimate jewelry shopping experience.


One main manager says “Our mission has been to bring that experience online. Our store staff is empowered with the expertise to help each guest, while our website offers an Education Center where you can learn more about jewelry.”


What Jared doing is that showing visitors relevant messaging based on previous purchases , the result shows  impressive effect:

Conversion up 77.6%

Revenue per session up 100%


Approach: For returning desktop visitors who have previously purchased any Pandora product (a top selling brand), the  homepage hero was swapped with Pandora specific messaging. This was a change from traditionally generic homepage messaging seen by all customers.


Future Implication: Identify opportunities to create relevant content for the most important customer segments.



April 6, 2016


Business, Marketing
