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Mobile Apps

personalisation for your app

According to research from Google, as many as 67% of online shoppers begin on one device and continue on another.

Multi-screen shopping is the norm—not the exception—and your customers expect you to deliver a consistent experience. With Mobile Apps, you can integrate custom data like purchase history, preferred clothing size, and loyalty-program status to bring your personalized web and email experiences to your mobile apps.

Your app launch was just the beginning.


Research shows that as many as 75% of users will delete your app within just one month of downloading it. We think it’s time to turn the challenge into an opportunity.


With Mobile Apps powered by Taplytics, you can update, test, or personalize any part of your iPhone or Android app. You don’t even have to wait for the app store gatekeepers to bless your changes.

The testing solution you love.


With Mobile Apps, you can use the same innovate-and-iterative approach you take with your website to your mobile app.


Test anything in your app, from checkout flow to button sizes, all without ever touching a line of code. Best of all, you can push the winning version of the test to all your users without waiting for the app store to approve your improvements.

Personalization comes to mobile.


And it’s ready to do some pretty exciting things.


Create tailored segment-based experiences based on dynamic factors and real-time customer context. Use all the data you have (including CRM and POS) to deliver meaningful experiences that communicate the right message to the right person.