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Personalization is a Big Challenge for Digital Marketers (Infographic)

Personalization is a Big Challenge for Digital Marketers (Infographic)

Your business will likely never reach everyone all the time with its marketing messages. Instead, the best strategy to engage with potential customers without using a broad campaign is by providing a tailored experience for each individual or small group.


According to an infographic from mobile marketing platform Kahuna, marketers still struggle with effective personalization and targeting online.

Personalization was slated to be a big part of this year’s marketing efforts, and while advances have been made, businesses surveyed aren’t confident using the strategy. Indeed, 36 percent of marketers note that personalization across channels has been a challenge for them this year, and they expect it to continue being a challenge next year too


According to Kahuna, 85 percent of those surveyed agree that their audience segments are too broad, and less than 10 percent of top retailers surveyed believe their strategies are “highly effective.” Additionally, 35 percent of B2C marketers in the U.S. said that building a comprehensive view of a customer across all platforms was an “extreme challenge”.


Only 14 percent of companies believed they were strong when it came to building this single view of their target customer. Technology seems to be a significant barrier: 32 percent of brands say the technology to do this isn’t available, and 46 percent say that their legacy technology is a major barrier. And almost a third say they have limited or no capability to personalize marketing messages.


Because marketers have been unable to get this right, they are missing out on golden opportunities, and they know it. More than 48 percent of senior marketers know that personalization programs lead to improved response rates, increased sales, and a better brand profile.


To see more information on the kind of ROI personalization and segmentation can bring, or to see consumer attitudes, view the infographic below.



Personalisation, customer experience management

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