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Use everything you know

To deliver personalized experiences that convert.
Personalized experiences in real time.

Deep Customer Intelligence

We help you know every customer in deeper, more profound ways. The result is a high-resolution snapshot of your customers that never expires.

Create and Manage Experiences

From simple changes to multi-page campaigns, or advanced features, it’s as easy as answering Who?, What?, When?, and Why?

Performance Analytics

Information isn’t insight unless you understand its value. See the dollars and cents behind every campaign.

The power to personalize is now yours

We make it easy to create and deploy super-relevant, multi-channel experiences for unlimited segments.

Find out more

Try your ideas on your channels

Simplify campaign creation with a point-and-click visual editor that makes it easy for marketers to modify any part of their website, preview changes in real time, and immediately apply the experience to specific customer segments.


Think about strategies and experiences you wish to deploy to your customers


Deploy your campaigns to specific segments and specific conditions


Test your campaigns across different segments of users, to see the results.


Develop the feature that was tested once it has proven its effectiveness.